A downloadable game for Windows

"Vampire's Lair" is a thrilling zombie shooting game set in an abandoned village overrun by mysterious zombies. Players assume the role of a survivor trapped within the village, fighting to defend themselves and eradicate the undead threat. With intense combat and immersive gameplay, it delivers an adrenaline-pumping experience to players. Developed using Unity Engine. 


Movement : W,A,S,D.

Shoot: Mouse Left Button.

Zoom in : Mouse Right Button Hold.

Concepts Used:

  • Unity Engine Components:  NavMeshAgentAnimator, and Collider,Transform and AudioSource..
  • Targeting Player: The script specifies a player target (playertarget) using a tag and finds it using GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag.
  • Navigation and Pathfinding: The NavMeshAgent component is used for navigation and pathfinding to the player. The destination is set to the player's position when the minion can move (canmove == true).
  • Rotation Towards Player: When the player is within attack range, the minion rotates to face the player using Quaternion.LookRotation.
  • NavMesh Obstacle: When attacking, the minion disables the NavMeshAgent component and enables a NavMeshObstacle component (navobs) to prevent other minions from colliding with it while it's attacking.
  • Distance Calculation: The script calculates the distance between the minion and the player using Vector3.Distance.
  • Attack Coroutine: The boss enemy periodically attacks the player using a coroutine (AttackPlayer()). When not attacking, it sets a trigger in the animator to perform an attack animation.
  • Coroutine for Respawn: After a certain time (DestroyTime), the boss respawns another enemy object (bossvampire) at a random spawn point among several possible spawn locations.
  • Instantiating Objects: The script instantiates objects such as bossvampire (for respawning) and bossblob (for spawning blobs during a special attack).
  • Animation Triggers: Animation triggers are set based on certain events, such as being hit (Hitt()) or performing a special attack (Blob()).
  • Audio Effects: Plays audio clips for spawn and hit sounds using AudioSource. Different pitches and priorities are set for different audio clips.


Vampire.zip 272 MB

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